In March 2023, EcoWaste Coalition, a civil society toxics watchdog in the Philippines, called on the nation’s Environmental Management Bureau to implement a nationwide ban on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). The reason is the “global contamination crisis linked to the largely unregulated production and use” of PFAS. EcoWaste specifically asked the Bureau to: 

  1. Add PFAS to the Philippines Priority Chemicals List. 
  2. Draft and issue a Chemical Control Order specifically for PFAS. 
  3. Support the global ban on the production and use of PFAS as a class. 

EcoWaste highlighted multiple studies on the extensive presence of PFAS in the global environment (FPF reported) but particularly highlighted a 2022 study from the University of the Philippines Institute of Biology that detected elevated levels of PFAS in women with breast cancer living in the Greater Manila Area. The study additionally found that women from “a heavily industrialized region” had significantly higher levels of long-chain PFAS compared to other regions around Manila.  

According to the press release, certain PFAS chemicals are listed in the Philippine Inventory of Chemical and Chemical Substances. However, there are no comprehensive regulations governing the thousands of PFAS compounds used in various consumer, commercial, and industrial products. PFAS and its derivatives are also not included in the Philippine “list of banned, restricted, severely restricted, and regulated chemicals as per the National Profile on Chemical Management prepared by the Department of Health and the University of the Philippines.” 



EcoWaste Coalition (March 25, 2023). “Toxics watchdog group: Ban ‘forever chemicals’.” 

Read more 

Environmental Management Bureau. “Priority Chemicals List.” Republic of the Philippines 

Alexandra Warren (May 3, 2023). “NGO calls on government of Philippines to ban PFASs in products.” Chemical Watch