The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Panel on Food Contact Materials, Enzymes and Processing Aids (CEP Panel) published the minutes of the 37th through 43rd meetings of its Working Group on bisphenol A (CAS 80-05-7) re-evaluation (WG-BPA) held in October 2020 through January 2021. During the meetings, the experts discussed issues related to dose-conversion, consideration of animal species other than murine, missing data in published studies, and worked to address other issues within the weight of evidence approach.

The EFSA CEP Panel also published the minutes of the 19th through 21st meetings of its Working Group on Food Contact Materials (WG-FCM), which were held in September 2020 through January 2021. During the meetings, the experts discussed a draft EFSA guidance on the presence of small particles including nanoparticles in food and feed, and the group determined that the guidance is also applicable to FCMs. The group has now been requested to provide comments on the technical requirements for nanoparticles to EFSA’s working group on nanotechnology. The group was further asked to provide feedback on the development of the 16th amendment of Regulation 10/2011 on plastic FCMs, in particular on the specific migration limit (SML) to be set for triethanolamine-perchlorate, sodium salt dimer (CAS 156157‐97‐0).

The WG-FCM was also asked to provide feedback on the potential classification of cobalt salts under the REACH regulation as being carcinogenic, mutagenic, or reprotoxic (CMR). It also reviewed dossiers requesting approval for use of the following substances: Amines,bis(hydrogenated rape-oil alkyl)methyl, N-oxides (EFSA-Q-2020-00275) and bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidyl)sebacate (EFSA-Q-2020-00455). However, it was determined that further information is needed from the applicants, and the evaluations were suspended pending the requested information.

The EFSA CEP Panel also published the minutes of the 17th through 22nd meetings of its Working Group on Recycling Plastics (WG-RP), which were held in October 2020 through February 2021. During the meetings, the group discussed the draft opinions for the following recycling processes and scheduled them for possible adoption by the CEP Panel: Plastrec (Polymetrix pellet) (EFSA-Q-2019-00294), Drava International (Starlinger deCON) (EFSA-Q-2020-00750), DY Polymer (PET direct iV+) (EFSA-Q-2020-00329), and Severn Valley Polymers (Starlinger deCON) (EFSA-Q-2019-00698). The group determined that additional information is needed for over 30 other recycling process applications in order the complete their risk assessments. Further evaluation has therefore been suspended pending the receipt of this additional information.

In February 2021, the CEP Panel published the minutes of the first two meetings of its new working group on preparation for re-evaluation of phthalates and structurally similar substances and replacement substances. The working group was started following a new mandate (EFSA-Q-2020-00725) received by EFSA to work with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) to re-evaluate the risks of these substances in FCMs to public health. The group is to consider the results of a screening and prioritization exercise completed by ECHA on groups of structurally similar substances that may be relevant considering their use in FCMs. The experts spent the meetings discussing the mandate, the draft prioritization approach, and timelines of the workplan.

Read more

EFSA CEP Panel (January 21, 2021). “Minutes of the 37th – 43rd meetings of the working group on BPA re-evaluation.” (pdf)

EFSA CEP Panel (February 8, 2021). “Minutes of the 19th – 21st meetings of the working group on food contact materials 2018-2021.” (pdf)

EFSA CEP Panel (March 1, 2021). “Minutes of the 15th – 21st meetings of the working group on recycling plastics 2018-2021.” (pdf)

EFSA CEP Panel (February 18, 2021). “Minutes of the 1st and 2nd meetings of the working group on preparation for re-evaluation of phthalates, structurally similar substances and replacement substances.” (pdf)