In a press release published on July 1, 2020, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) announced that its Enforcement Forum has agreed to launch a large enforcement project in 2021-2023 examining hazardous substances in consumer products. Focus will be placed on inspecting articles and mixtures present on the EU market for selected hazardous substances regulated under REACH and persistent organic pollutant (POP) requirements. The inspections also plan to check whether requirements are being met for communicating the presence of hazardous substances along the supply chain. The exact substances to be included are set to be defined in 2021, inspections are to be carried out in 2022, and the results will be announced towards the end of 2023.

The Forum also announced a separate pilot project on classifying chemical mixtures, with a focus on detergents and cleaning products. Inspections will take place in 2021 and 2022, with the final report released in 2023.

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ECHA (July 1, 2020). “EU inspectors to check consumer products for hazardous substances.”

Luke Buxton (July 1, 2020). “Major EU enforcement project to target restrictions on chemicals in products.” Chemical Watch

SGS (July 14, 2020). “EU Initiative to Surveil Hazardous Chemicals in Products.”