In a press release published by Nestlé on May 19, 2020, the international food and beverage producer announced that it is trialing a set of in-store dispensers to support reusable and refillable containers. The dispensers for pet foods and soluble coffee were first tested at three shops in Switzerland, and they are now being expanded across additional locations. The company says it is further testing a water dispenser to allow customers to choose from over sixty flavors, and it has been expanding its involvement in the Loop home delivery service in the US (FPF reported) and will soon also expand into France. Nestlé previously announced a commitment for all of its packaging recyclable or reusable by 2025, and it presented the prototype for its in-store dispenser system at the launch of its Institute of Packaging Sciences in September 2019 (FPF reported).

Philipp Navratil from Nestlé’s beverage business unit said “as part of Nescafé’s packaging transformation journey, we have been working hard to rethink how we design our packaging for better environmental impact. We are excited to work on a refilling option made possible by our in-store dispensing system for our consumers who want to enjoy their Nescafé experience at home.”

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Nestlé (May 19, 2020). “Nestlé pilots reusable and refillable dispensers to reduce single-use packaging.”