On March 24, 2020, the industry-led European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals (ECETOC) announced the publication of a technical report on the applicability of analytical tools, test methods, and models used in the risk assessment of polymers.

The report describes itself as “providing a detailed review of the applicability of standard analytical tools, in vitro and in vivo test methods and in silico models to assess the physico-chemical, fate, exposure-related, ecotoxicological, and toxicological properties of polymers.” It is organized into sections providing an overview of each tool, method, or model with references to any formally agreed test guidelines that exist, such as those adopted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) or by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Standards developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) or regional/local standardization bodies were also considered and often found to more specifically address poorly soluble substances such as solid polymers. Each tool or method was then examined to determine its applicability and technical limitations for examining polymer properties. The report further provided suggestions for improving guidelines for the testing of polymers.

This is the second report within a series of three reports focused on polymer safety assessment. In May 2019, ECETOC published its first report detailing a conceptual framework for polymer risk assessment (FPF reported).

Read more

Ecetoc (March 24, 2020). “Second report of ECETOC trilogy on polymer safety assessment looks at analytical tools, methods and models.”

Chemical Watch (April 1, 2020). “Ecetoc identifies lack of information on applicability of risk tools to polymers.”


Ecetoc (March 24, 2020). “Applicability of Analytical Tools, Test Methods and Models for Polymer Risk Assessment.” (pdf)