In a press release published on February 17, 2020, the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) announced the publication of the first results of the Dutch Plastic Pact, which was launched in the Netherlands in February 2019. The pact was signed by 97 organizations comprising producers, retailers, and the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management. This first report presents the data received from 27 of the 67 signatories that would be able to provide data, and it describes the use of plastics in the years 2017 and 2018. These values will serve as the baseline measurement for working towards the pact’s goals to be achieved by the year 2025, which include:

  • “single-use plastic products and packaging will be 100 percent recyclable;
  • 20 percent less plastic packaging through, among other things, greater reuse;
  • at least 70 percent of single-use products and packaging will be recycled;
  • these products will comprise at least 35 percent recycled plastic.”

The majority of the data provided in the report describes “the possibilities for recycling and the use of recycled plastic,” whereas very limited information was provided describing the reuse and sorting of plastic or the quantities of hazardous substances present in plastic. The agency says that “the monitoring has got off to a good start, but it is important that more parties deliver data in the coming years.” RIVM is part of a larger committee that will annually monitor progress towards the Pact’s goals. To do this, it says it has also developed indicators “such as how much plastic a company puts on the market and how much of it can be recycled.”

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RIVM (February 17, 2020). “First results Plastic Pact Netherlands.”


RIVM (February 14, 2020). “Plastic Pact Nederland: de Monitor Nulmeting (2017-2018).” (pdf) (in Dutch)