On October 25, 2019, the international retailer Walmart released an updated version of its Recycling Playbook that aims to serve as a resource to support companies in setting goals for recyclable packaging and recycled content. Originally released in February 2019 in combination with a new set of corporate recycling goals (FPF reported), the playbook provides “information which is designed to capture recyclability information based on existing infrastructure (with a focus on North America).” It is separated into sections by packaging format (e.g. bag, pouch, film, bottle) and “encourages suppliers to take a life cycle perspective when seeking to optimize packaging design.” The document supports readers in either optimizing, changing, or advancing packaging depending on its format, material composition, and existing recycling infrastructure. The retailer also previously released a Sustainable Packaging Playbook (FPF reported).

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Anne Marie Mohan (November 6, 2019). “Walmart Updates Recycling Playbook.” Greener Package


Walmart (October 29, 2019). “The Recycling Playbook.” (pdf)