On October 29, 2019, the House of Commons of the UK published a response to an earlier report developed by the Environmental Audit Committee titled “Toxic Chemicals in Everyday Life” (FPF reported). The report had clearly stated its “support [of] CHEM Trust’s call for REACH defined substances of very high concern [(SVHCs)] to be automatically banned in food contact materials as soon as possible” and “recommend the Government implements a UK-wide ban on the use of these chemicals in food contact materials available on the UK market to lower the public’s exposure.” However, the government’s response to this report rejected this recommendation and argued that “whilst reducing the use of SVHCs is certainly desirable, it is perhaps overly simplistic to pursue a blanket ban as these substances provide essential functions, such as preventing certain materials from corroding or reacting with the food it is in contact with. Should there be a ban or restrictions on SVHCs which currently provide such positive functions in some FCMs, any proposed alternatives would need to be evaluated for safety. The balance of risk will be an important factor in any decision.”

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Leigh Stringer (October 31, 2019). “UK government rejects Parliamentary recommendations on SVHCs and labelling.” Chemical Watch


House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee (July 10, 2019). “Toxic Chemicals in Everyday Life.” (pdf)

House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee (October 29, 2019). “Toxic Chemicals in Everyday Life: Government Response to the Committee’s Twentieth Report of Session 2017–19.” (pdf)