In an article published on July 19, 2018, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) informed about the addition of 321 substances to its database on chemical hazards, OpenFoodTox, launched in January 2017 (FPF reported). The OpenFoodTox “provides summary toxicological data used by EFSA for the setting of safe levels (reference points and reference values) of food and feed chemicals in humans, animals and the environment since EFSA’s creation in 2002.”

With the update, data “on over 4750” substances is now included. In addition, “over 1816 health based guidance values (e.g. acceptable and tolerable daily intakes)” were updated. The database is also made “more accessible now thanks to an improved interface with more features for exploring the data.” 

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EFSA (July 19, 2018). “OpenFoodTox: over 300 substances added to EFSA chemical hazards database.