On March 28, 2018, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) published a report from its 23rd Scientific Colloquium on evidence integration in chemical risk assessment (CRA) that was held on October 25-26, 2017 in Lisbon, Portugal (FPF reported). The colloquium was organized together with the Evidence‐Based Toxicology Collaboration (EBTC) “to develop a multistakeholder understanding of the best practices, challenges and research needs for evidence integration in CRA, with a focus on hazard identification and on combining multiple studies and end‐points for dose-response modelling.” The report summarizes the methods discussed at the colloquium as well as recommendations for further development in the field. “EFSA and EBTC will continue the collaboration towards the development, testing and validation of best practices for evidence‐based CRA,” the report notes.

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EFSA (March 28, 2018). “EFSA Scientific Colloquium 23 – Joint European Food Safety Authority and Evidence‐Based Toxicology Collaboration Colloquium Evidence integration in risk assessment: The science of combining apples and oranges 25–26 October 2017 Lisbon, Portugal.EFSA Supporting Publications 15 (3):1396E.