In an article published on June 22, 2017 by regulatory news provider Chemical Watch, editor Kelly Franklin informed that, on the same date, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) signed and issued three final rules setting out the framework of the revised Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). On June 22, 2016, TSCA was amended by the Lautenberg Chemical Safety Act (LCSA) (FPF reported). The rules are:
1) The prioritization rule, defining EPA’s process and criteria for identifying chemicals as high- or low-priority substances for risk evaluation;
2) the risk evaluation rule, describing EPA’s risk evaluation process and determination of unreasonable risk to human health and the environment; and
3) the inventory rule, establishing notification requirements to designate commercial chemicals as active or inactive.
The rules were first proposed by EPA in January 2017 and then subject to a 60-day public consultation (FPF reported). In consideration of the provided comments, “the EPA has made several modifications” to the rules, Franklin explained.

Additionally, the EPA issued documents defining the scope of the risk evaluation of the first ten high-priority substances. The EPA announced the list of chemicals in late 2016; several of the substances are relevant for food contact materials (FPF reported).

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Kelly Franklin (June 22, 2017). “U.S. EPA issues final TSCA framework rules.Chemical Watch

Richard Denison (June 19, 2017). “One year and counting: On its first anniversary, near-term threats abound to implementation of our strong new chemical safety law.EDF Health

ACC (June 22, 2017). “Happy anniversary, Lautenberg Chemical Safety Act.

ACC (June 22, 2017). “ACC welcomes key framework rules for implementation of amendments to Toxic Substances Control Act.

ACC (June 22, 2017). “ACC comments on scope of EPA risk evaluations for first 10 chemicals under LCSA.

Jennifer Sass (June 22, 2017). «Trump EPA weakens TSCA rules to favor chemical industry.» Natural Resources Defense Council

Kelly Franklin (June 27, 2017). «NGOs, Democrats decry ‘weakened’ TSCA framework rules.» Chemical Watch

Kelly Franklin (June 29, 2017). «Final TSCA inventory notification rule eases reporting burden.» Chemical Watch

Richard Denison (June 29, 2017). «Final TSCA framework rules retreat from best available science.» EDF Health

Berger, T., and Estreicher, H. (July 5, 2017). «EPA finalizes TSCA inventory «Reset» rule.» Keller & Heckman