In an article published on December 8, 2016 by the non-profit organization CHEM Trust, Lise Masson reports on a commentary highlighting “the urgent need for action on climate change and hormone (endocrine) disrupting chemicals (EDCs),” jointly signed by leading experts from both fields. The commentary was originally published by the French newspaper Le Monde on November 29, 2016 (FPF reported).

Ninja Reineke, senior policy advisor at CHEM Trust, hopes that “the European Commission and EU Governments get the clear message from these scientists that the EU must ensure that its criteria to identify hormone disrupting chemicals will protect human health and wildlife.” Industry’s ‘manufacturing doubt’ strategy should not “prevent the EU setting criteria that are protective of future generations,” Reineke stresses.

On November 29, 2016 Le Monde also published three articles by investigative journalist Stéphane Horel, discussing the controversy surrounding EDCs and regulation thereof (FPF reported).

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Lise Masson (December 8, 2016). “Scientists call for an end to the manipulation of science on hormone disrupting chemicals.

Kortenkamp, A., et al. (2016). “Let’s stop the manipulation of science.Le Monde (published November 29, 2016).