In an article published on September 29, 2016 by regulatory news provider Chemical Watch, reporter Tammy Lovell informs about retailer Coop Denmark’s plan to phase out a list of twelve substances or groups of chemicals of concern from its private label products by the end of 2017. Malene Teller Blume, quality manager nonfood & social compliance at Coop Denmark, presented the ‘dirty dozen’ list at Chemical Watch’s Copenhagen Chemicals Summit 2016 that took place on September 28-29.

The list includes: 1) bisphenol A (BPA, CAS 80-05-7), 2) fluorinated substances, 3) polluting washing detergents, 4) pesticides, 5) suspected endocrine disruptors, 6) polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and phthalates, 7) chemicals in textiles, 8) chemicals identified as substances of very high concern (SVHCs), 9) allergenic scented substances and preservatives, 10) tricoslan (CAS 3380-34-5), 11) cleaning products with chlorine and cationic surfactants, and 12) the preservative methylisothiazolinone (MI, CAS 2682-20-4).

Coop Denmark follows the precautionary principle and substitutes chemicals of concern when “there is a better choice of chemical,” Teller Blume explained at the conference. Substitutions are decided on case-by-case and in cooperation with NGOs, authorities, eco-labels, universities, and experts including the Danish Consumer Council, Teller Blume further stated.

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Tammy Lovell (September 29, 2016). “Danish Coop to phase out ‘dirty dozen.’ Chemical Watch