On March 31, 2016, European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) announced the publication of its Annual Activity Report for 2015. The document summarizes the activities that resulted in more than 600 scientific outputs, covering diverse food safety aspects. Several key achievements are highlighted, among them the re-evaluation of bisphenol A (CAS 80-05-7) safety (FPF reported) and EFSA’s second scientific conference (FPF reported).

A revised version of EFSA’s Programming document for 2016-2019 was also released on March 31, 2016. The updated document incorporates the new strategic outlook based on the recently adapted EFSA Strategy 2020 (FPF reported). Several key challenges identified include the need to strengthen the international cooperation in risk assessment, to make EFSA’s scientific work more transparent and open, and to engage with society in order to “increase trust in the European Union’s food safety system.”

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EFSA (March 31, 2016). “EFSA in 2015: working in the interest of European consumers.

EFSA (March 31, 2016). “Consolidated Annual Activity Report 2015.pdf

EFSA (March 31, 2016). “Programming document 2016-2019. Trusted science for safe food.pdf