On March 4, 2016 the European Council published a video on endocrine disruptors. The short film explains endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and why they are of concern. It ends with the statement that “EU Environment Ministers call for urgent action to protect human health and the environment.” The video was released in conjunction with the European Ministers of Environment meeting in Brussels, Belgium, where “the action plan for the circular economy and the follow-up to the Paris agreement on climate change” were discussed, and the scientific criteria for EDCs also formed one of the discussion topics. Several videos from the subsequent press conference are provided by the newsroom of the Council of the European Union.

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Newsroom of the European Council (March 04, 2016). “Environment Council – March 2016. Endocrine disruptors.

Newsroom of the European Council (March 04, 2016). “Environment Council – March 2016.