According to an article published on October 11, 2014 by the news provider The Holmes Report, the bisphenol A (BPA) controversy is not going to be over any time soon. Over the period from September 2013 to September 2014 the media analysis company Commetric monitored the mainstream media stream on BPA and analyzed a month’s tweets and blogs in detail. The media analysis showed that the social media context surrounding BPA is mainly negative. Most contributions center on various health related concerns, such as miscarriages, fertility issues, obesity and diabetes. Other topics covered included advertisements of BPA-fee products and BPA alternatives. The influencer network map developed by Commetric shows the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as the greatest influencer and identifies around 40 other important stakeholders of the debate. Whereas industry groups advocate for BPA, interest groups condemn the substance, Commetric’s analysis showed. Commetric concluded that the media debate on BPA continues unabated.

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The Holmes Report (October 11, 2014). “Media analysis: bisphenol A controversy continues unabated.