News Article

Industry survey on glass packaging and consumers

European Container Glass Federation (FEVE) reports results from recent survey on European consumers; finds increase in glass packaging purchases, decisions being driven increasingly by recyclability and environmental considerations

News Article

Phthalates: impact on leiomyoma growth and mixture risk

Study identifies mono(2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl) phthalate (MEHHP) exposure as high-risk factor for leiomyoma growth on epidemiological and mechanistic level; European biomonitoring of five reprotoxic phthalates demonstrates necessity to integrate mixture risk assessment into regulatory practice; targeted analysis shows migration of five phthalates from polypropylene food packaging

News Article

Scientists explore effects of micro- and nanoplastics on mammals, including humans

Research studies show maternal polystyrene (PS) particle exposure can cause testicular and hepatic toxicity in male mouse offspring; report PS microplastics affect rat ovary function; find correlation between human fecal microplastics levels and Inflammatory Bowel Disease; reviews summarize potential human health effects; study develops a tool to screen and prioritize micro-and nanoplastics toxicity studies for human health risks evaluation

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Opportunities for India to improve EDC management

Article assesses India’s current approach to managing endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs); identifies EDC actions as fragmented and far behind developed countries; proposes actions to move ahead by adopting new modern regulatory framework for managing EDCs, enhancing monitoring, raising awareness, employing public-private partnership programs

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Bioassay-based analysis of chemicals in paper & cardboard

Scientific study evaluates presence of hazardous chemicals in methanolic extracts from paper and cardboard food contact materials (FCMs) using several bioassays; finds oxidative stress (52%), genotoxicity (100%), impacts on xenobiotic metabolism (74%), antiandrogenic (52%) and antioestrogenic effects (39%); recommends an effect-based approach for hazard identification of food contact chemicals