News Article

ECHA to increase REACH checks, review mixtures

European Chemicals Agency announces a number of upcoming changes and efforts; plans to increase REACH dossier evaluations to 20%, categorize high tonnage substances, launch pilot project reviewing classification of mixtures within CLP regulation

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Front-runners in chemical footprinting report 2020

Clean Production Action releases annual results of its Chemical Footprint Project (CFP); finds seven “front-running” companies scoring over 80% have senior management engagement in chemical management, public disclosure of restricted substances, measure chemical footprint using the CFP reference list, invest in safer alternatives

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Commentary on microplastics as a vector for chemical transport

Scientists respond to perspective article providing clarifications on plastic-driven long-range environmental transport (LRET) of chemical additives; discuss nine shortcomings of the perspective; suggest omitting the perspective article in discussions on plastic debris-associated LRET of additives

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High-pressure effects on flexible packaging

High-pressure processing can change functional structures and migration potential from flexible packaging materials; coated and laminated structures most sensitive; more research needed to find most suitable materials and packaging designs

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7th meeting of EFSA's FCM Network

7th meeting of EFSA’s Food Contact Materials Network takes place on November 6-7, 2019, in Parma, Italy; focus on plastics and microplastics, assessment of mixtures, prioritization strategies for non-harmonized FCMs