News Article

UN committee recommends global ban of UV-328

18th meeting of the Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Review Committee recommends global elimination of the UV stabilizer known as UV-328 under the Stockholm Convention; time limited exemptions proposed for some current uses; Convention will review the proposal for finalization in May 2023

News Article

Microplastics in sea salt

Researchers find microplastic particles in commercial sea salts from different countries; human intake estimated to be low; more research needed to assess health risks

Events Webinar

Key characteristics for identifying hazardous chemicals

Martyn Smith from UC Berkeley presents on the development of sets of key characteristics to help identify hazardous chemicals; international working group of experts focuses on carcinogens, male and female reproductive toxicants, expanding work on other toxicants

News Article

IdentiPlast 2019 conference

Conference on recycling and recovery of plastics brings together 340 participants from across plastics supply chain and public authorities; discussions focus on technical aspects of improving plastic waste management