News Article

Global Food Contact opening keynote highlights EC FCM updates

2021 Smithers Pira conference covers global developments in food contact regulations and materials; opening keynote by Jonathan Briggs details latest developments on the European Commission’s (EC) update on food contact material (FCM) legislation; release of the EC’s final impact assessment pushed back to 2023, but staff working document on FCMs planned for the end of 2021

Publication Dossiers

Can coatings

Metal cans are coated to protect the cans from degrading due to chemical reactions with the food. Coatings also prevent unwanted chemical interactions in the food, caused by migrating metal ions. In this dossier, we provide information on different types of can coatings for direct food contact. Further, the toxicity and exposure assessment of chemicals migrating from can coatings, as well as the regulatory background, are also addressed.

News Article

EPA: Priority substances for TSCA evaluation

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency prioritizes 20 substances to undergo risk evaluation according to Toxic Substances Control Act; list includes several solvents, phthalates, flame retardants, chemical intermediates with food contact relevance; public consultation now open