News Article

Analysis of chemically non-compliant products

European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic) analyzes European RAPEX database on non-food products, finds 92% of tested and non-compliant REACH chemicals found in products were imported from outside of Europe; calls for improved enforcement and tools

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Regulation drives substitution of SVHCs

ECHA-commissioned study shows that REACH is important driver for substitution of hazardous chemicals in the EU; more resources and infrastructure required; education on substitution, collaboration within supply chains need improvement

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ECHA: 2016 SVHC roadmap report

ECHA releases annual report on progress in identifying substances of very high concern; calls on companies to improve REACH registration data to assess chemicals’ hazards and risks; will focus more on groups of structurally similar substances

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Opinion on polymers under REACH

Paul Ashford from Anthesis-Caleb consultancy discusses challenges in ‘dealing with polymers under REACH,” calls for clear guidance on substance identification of polymers; EU project aims to identify ‘polymers of concern’

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Food contact related European food alerts in 2012

2012 report on European rapid alerts of enforcement authorities shows slightly less food contact related notifications compared to 2011, Chinese imports of particular concern