News Article

Nano risk governance model project

Horizon 2020 funded project launched focusing on developing a nano risk governance model, aims to explore upcoming tools and approaches as well as support prioritization and harmonization of practices among stakeholders

News Article

Japan notifies WTO of positive list

Ministry notifies World Trade Organization of planned positive list system for food-contact plastics; separate lists for base polymer plastics, coatings, minor monomers; notification open for comments until October 8, 2019; system enters into force June 2020

News Article

FDA bottleneck reviewing notifications

U.S. Food and Drug Administration behind in reviewing new food contact notifications; warns companies to submit thorough safety data given limited capacity for any process iterations

Events 2022 Workshop

Taking stock of the past decade: What has changed and what’s to come?

Save the date in your calendar for our next annual workshop that will take place on September 28, 2023 (both in Zurich and virtually)! To mark its 10th anniversary, the Food Packaging Forum held its 10th annual workshop on October 6, 2022, under a theme that looked back at what has changed over the past decade in the field of food packaging and health as well as at what lies ahead in the next decade to come. Featuring a diverse […]