News Article

Study assesses migration from recycled HDPE milk bottles

Paper in Resources, Conservation, and Recycling investigates chemical migration from recycled high-density polyethylene (rHDPE); when recycled milk bottles mixed with non-milk-bottle rHDPE, resulting plastic contaminated with chemicals of concern; rHDPE from well-sorted, decontaminated milk bottles may be clean enough for food contact; octocrylene and octinoxate still migrate at concerning levels, reduction may require further decontamination or changes in manufacturing or legislation

News Article

WHO publishes report on EDCs

New report by the World Health Organization’s Regional Office for Europe addresses the risks from exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals, recommends actions at the country level

Events Podcast

Dope Labs Podcast – PFAS in Food Packaging

Science podcast interviews Justin Boucher from the Food Packaging Forum on PFAS, their use in food packaging, and the regulatory and business changes underway to address increasing global concern about their impacts on health

News Article

US EPA reissues PFBS risk assessment  

US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) reissues risk assessment on perfluorobutane sulfonic acid (PFBS); sets reference doses for chronic exposure of 0.0003 mg/kg body weight/day and sub-chronic exposures of 0.001 mg/kg body weight/day

News Article

PFAS in breast milk

Study shows that breast milk is major source of exposure to perfluorinated chemicals for infants; researchers express concern but do not discourage breastfeeding