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BfR: 18th Meeting on consumer goods and FCMs

German Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) publishes minutes of advisory committee meeting discussing European and German legislation on FCMs, migration issues, novel substances for food contact

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Philippines watchdog urges ban on PFAS

EcoWaste Coalition urges Philippines Environmental Management Bureau to ban PFAS as a class; highlights local study of elevated PFAS in women with breast cancer around Manila

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ECHA publishes five-year REACH and CLP review

European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) publishes five-year review on the operation of REACH and CLP regulations; discusses impacts and shortcomings; 71 chemicals added to harmonized classification and labeling list; in 90% of cases, chemical’s general safety assessment is performed and communicated down the supply chain but half are incomplete; 33% of safety data sheets for mixtures not compliant, 17% incorrectly classified; 44% of chemicals needing authorization due to health risks are being phased out likely due to REACH

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UNEP reports assess impacts of global plastic pollution, potential solutions

Two publications from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) provide overview and assessment of global challenges related to marine litter and plastic waste; include set of infographics summarizing key thematic areas; book chapter proposes organizing diverse problem formulations and potential solutions to plastic pollution into a conceptual framework, considers necessary value judgments and world views

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Reusable packaging targets removed from draft PPWR

Negotiation of the EU packaging and packaging waste regulation (PPWR) is underway; negotiator removing reusable packaging targets for takeaway food and drink sales; concerns over measuring reuse versus refill; others highlight benefits of reusables beyond greenhouse gas emissions; negotiators can propose amendments until May 10, 2023; committee votes in September, Plenary in October

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A close look at phthalates

Chemical & Engineering News publishes extensive cover story on phthalates; restrictions, alternatives and hormonal activity discussed

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Report: European supermarkets falling short on packaging commitments

Changing Markets Foundation and Break Free From Plastic investigate plastic pollution related actions made by 74 of the largest European supermarkets; Total average score of retailers was just 13/100, only Aldi UK and Aldi Ireland scored above 60; over 80% of companies had no information on total plastic use which “casts doubt” over plastic reduction pledges because there is no baseline data