News Article

China calls for data on 24 substances

Chinese ministry requests data on physical-chemical properties, toxicity, production & use, environmental exposure for set of chemicals; 17 are used in food contact materials; feedback open until August 31, 2019

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OECD framework for nanomaterials

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development publishes three reports focused on the safety of manufactured nanomaterials, provides framework with guidance on test methods for physico-chemical properties

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Study of implication of new European FCM guidance

EFSA calls for proposal on revised FCM guideline, evaluation of implication on the requirement for submission of toxicological information, restrictions and administrative consequences

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Proposals for change from inside and outside the US FDA

US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) proposes structural changes within the institution in response to recent critique; includes increased focus on nutrition, partnerships with other regulatory authorities and incorporating outside advisors; Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) publishes report on obesogens; encourages FDA to ‘incorporate framework’ to identify obesogens and other endocrine disruptors when reviewing chemical safety