News Article

FPF workshop on hazardous substances  

Industry news provider reports on FPF’s workshop on hazardous substances in food contact materials; chemical risk assessment needs to consider cocktail effects and long-term exposures

News Article

Microplastics may affect the human microbiome

Scientists explore potential impacts of microplastics on human intestine ecology; microplastics may drive unhealthy changes in the gut microbiome; authors highlight importance of assessing human microplastics exposure and hazards for the gut

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Materials in contact with drinking water

European drinking water association calls for harmonized EU-wide implementation of the Drinking Water Directive and common approach for acceptance of materials and products in contact with drinking water

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ChemSec evaluates largest chemical producers

Organization releases ChemScore tool that scores top 35 chemical producers based on hazardous chemicals in product portfolios, design strategies, transparency, and history of accidents and controversies; aims to inform investors and promote investment in responsible chemical companies