News Article

As You Sow: Investments in plastics may become stranded assets

Civil society organization As You Sow releases report investigating financial risks of shifting investments from fossil fuels to petrochemical sector, including plastics; finds $400 billion at risk of becoming stranded assets, relies on rising demand in low-income countries; neglects climate impacts, plastic pollution, circular economy goals; advises investors to re-evaluate risks and take action

News Article

Measures to limit chemical migration from recycled paperboard

Review identifies and discusses three approaches to limit chemical migration from recycled paperboard to make it acceptable for food applications; considers internal bags with an incorporated barrier, barrier layers, and functional sorbents added to the board; study on migration from paper cups identifies exposures to vanadium and fluoride

News Article

How to regulate polymers?

Chemical Watch commentary addresses the nature of polymerization reactions, provides technical background information explaining the challenges in the registration of polymers under REACH

News Article

Wrap: packaging encourages household food waste

UK civil society organization Wrap finds selling produce without plastic packaging and date labels would save 100,000 tons food and 10,300 tons plastic in UK yearly; fruits and vegetables studied have the same shelf life without packaging; packaging sizes encourage overconsumption; date labeling encourages early disposal; Foodwatch petitions German government to ban plastic packaging for produce by 2026