News Article

UK publishes report on bio-based FCMs

Report reviews published scientific and grey literature for existing materials marketed for food contact; expects current risk assessment methods to be appropriate or adaptable, notes limited existing research on materials made from agri-food by-products and their potential risks

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Partnership to improve UK recycling

The organizations WRAP and OPRL to work together to reduce consumer confusion related to recycling, improve quality and quantity of recyclate in UK

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Stakeholders discuss waste management challenges of plastics

Publications from government, academia, civil society organizations, and consultancies paint problematic picture of a circular plastics economy; plastic packaging waste per person found to increase over last decade; low percentage of plastic produced is effectively recycled; pyrolysis (a type of chemical recycling) of plastics produces 9x more emissions than mechanical recycling; “biodegradable” and “compostable” plastics found to not break down in home compost systems