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Comparing EU and Chinese FCM policy

News provider and consultancy ChemLinked publishes article comparing Chinese and European food contact material (FCM) policies

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Swiss litter report

Stop Plastic Pollution CH releases first nationwide study on plastic and other pollution in Swiss rivers and lakes; plastic items and cigarette butts most frequently found; call on Swiss government to follow EU plastics strategy

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EFSA prioritizes substances for setting SMLs

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) panel publishes scientific opinion prioritizing 451 substances for creation of specific migration limits (SMLs) for plastic food contact materials; the 3 identified high priority substances are salicylic acid, styrene, and vinyl laurate

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India bans PET for certain pharmaceuticals

India phases out PET and other plastic bottles as packaging for medicinal products for pediatric, geriatric use and for use by women in the reproductive age

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Analyzing NIAS in harmonized and non-harmonized FCMs

International Life Sciences Institute Europe publishes document on analytical methods and challenges in identifying non-intentionally added substances (NIAS); focus on non-harmonized food contact materials (FCMs) including silicones, inks, adhesives; discusses strengths and limitations of various methods; includes proposal on communication along the supply chain

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South Korea issues updated FCM regulations

Ministry of Food and Drug Safety publishes notice containing revisions to national food contact material regulations; adds polyketones as additional raw materials, groups synthetic resins into categories, issues updated standards on recycled synthetic resins including for polyethylene terephthalate (PET)