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Third round of UN plastics treaty negotiations conclude

Meeting in Nairobi ends with no consensus on intersessional work needed before next meeting; Scientists’ Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty represented by 37 scientists, including team members from the Food Packaging Forum; expanded and revised version of Zero Draft based on member state inputs to be published by December 31, 2023; next round of negotiations to take place in Ottawa, Canada on April 21 – 30, 2024

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HEAL report on hazardous chemicals in plastics

Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) publishes overview report on plastic types, additives, and associated health impacts; illustrates life cycle of contained chemicals and resulting exposures; calls for revisions to regulations to be protective, consistent, anticipatory, communicative

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China revises standard on metals in FCMs

National Health Commission opens public consultation on 16 food safety standards; sets stricter limits for metals used in food contact materials (FCMs), removes use of 4% acetic acid as food simulant; comments accepted until October 20, 2020

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Organizations sue US FDA over failure to react on phthalates in FCMs

Earthjustice files case in a federal court on behalf of eight civil society organizations; calls on US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to come to a final decision on a petition filed in 2016 within 60 days; petition argues safe use of phthalates can no longer be proven and calls for a ban in all food contact materials (FCMs)

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Massive review highlights health risks of plastic-associated chemicals

Umbrella review analyzes 52 systematic reviews and 759 meta-analyses on plastic-associated chemicals and human health; bisphenols, phthalates, flame retardants, and PFAS were linked to adverse health effects; finds ties to reproductive issues, neurodevelopmental disorders, metabolic conditions, and cancers; research gaps remain, particularly microplastics and newer chemical groups

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Researchers report NIAS migration from baby food pouches

Study performs migration testing on 79 plastic baby food pouches; finds four bisphenols, five phthalic acid diesters in targeted analysis and 26 more in suspect screening including 23 non-intentionally added substances (NIAS); NIAS adipic acid – diethylene glycol exceeds the threshold of toxicological concern in 40% of the pouches

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Amazon restricts 17 chemicals in FCMs

Amazon announces ban on 17 chemicals in food packaging; includes per-and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), phthalates, bisphenol A (BPA), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polystyrene (PS), expanded polystyrene (EPS); restricted substance list (RSL) applies to Amazon Go, Amazon Go Grocery, Amazon Fresh, and Fresh grocery delivery

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Recycling food-grade plastics in the EU

Recycling Today reports on the challenges of supplying food-grade recycled plastics even as commitments increase; European Commission registers Citizens’ Initiative to create plastic bottle deposit and extended producer responsibility system in EU; World Wildlife Fund Germany investigates packaging system to find ways to increase circularity, encourages reuse over recycling

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FPF comments on EFSA’s phthalates prioritization strategy

Food Packaging Forum (FPF) finds that the European Food Safety Authority’s (EFSA) planned approach lacks clear recommendation for removing known hazardous chemicals from food contact materials; prioritization of food contact chemicals of concern should be based on hazard properties in alignment with the EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability