News Article

Studies confirm hazardous substances in bio-based food contact materials

Three recent studies explore the chemical safety of bio-based food contact materials (FCMs); current analytical methods fail to detect all hazardous substances in bio-based FCMs, in vitro bioassays are suitable addition; Dutch «eco-friendly» FCMs often contain non-biodegradable components and substances like pesticides and PFAS; migration of allergens found

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FPF publishes food contact chemicals database

Researchers led by the Food Packaging Forum (FPF) publish new database identifying over 12,200 distinct chemicals that could be used in manufacture of food contact materials and articles; 29% lacking openly accessible toxicity data; 608 identified as most hazardous, prioritized for substitution; published study and database freely accessible

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US FDA developing post-market assessment process for chemicals in food

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) developing assessment process for chemicals already on the market; covers food and color additives, generally recognized as safe (GRAS) substances, food contact chemicals, and non-intentionally added substances; process will be structured based on risk, divided into ‘focused’ and ‘comprehensive’ assessments; informational meeting on the proposal September 25, 2024; public comment period until December 6, 2024