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Updated risk assessment highlights the need for stricter regulation on MOH in food

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) updates risk assessment on mineral oil hydrocarbons (MOH) in food; highest MOH levels found in vegetable oils; notes that data gaps exist, especially in mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH) impact on toddlers; “extremely likely” that dietary exposure to MOAH is a concern for toddlers; EFSA recommendations aim to guide EU policy on allowable MOH levels in food

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Study maps global uses of PFAS

Researchers publish peer-reviewed study identifying over 200 use categories and subcategories for more than 1,400 individual per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS); finds the substances are used in almost all industry sectors and many consumer products; calls for public release of usage data

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As You Sow: Investments in plastics may become stranded assets

Civil society organization As You Sow releases report investigating financial risks of shifting investments from fossil fuels to petrochemical sector, including plastics; finds $400 billion at risk of becoming stranded assets, relies on rising demand in low-income countries; neglects climate impacts, plastic pollution, circular economy goals; advises investors to re-evaluate risks and take action

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We Choose Reuse campaign publishes open letter

Break Free from Plastic announces open letter as part of ‘We Choose Reuse’ campaign, demands strong political action to set up successful reuse systems; highlights current challenges such high investment and operating costs; will be delivered to officials on June 16, 2021

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Lidl and Colruyt trial Eco-Score label

Retailers Lidl and Colruyt announce testing front-of-pack EcoScore label; uses life cycle assessment to estimate ecological footprint based on climate change, water use, land use, acidification; considers packaging recyclability; if test-phase successful Lidl will consider implementation in all its German locations

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Melamine migration from bamboo tableware in China

Study explores the migration of melamine, a suspected carcinogen, and its derivatives from tableware made with melamine-formaldehyde resin or melamine combined with bamboo or wheat straw, purchased in China; 35% of bamboo tableware samples exceeded China’s specific migration limit for melamine; many melamine-based products are marketed to children