News Article

Food contact chemicals among 921 substances tied to breast cancer risk

Researchers expand list of known substances with characteristics linked to breast cancer by more than four-fold; many are in standard consumer products, including 189 in food contact according to FPF’s database on migrating and extractable food contact chemicals (FCCmigex); authors call for improved hazard identification methods, advocate for more comprehensive chemical testing, especially focusing on the mammary gland and broader range of chemicals

News Article

What knowledge is missing to derive a microplastic threshold value?

Microplastic experts review mammalian in vivo effect studies and develop non-regulatory health-based screening level value for microplastics in drinking water; scientists provide research recommendations to better understand microplastic toxicity, effect levels, and potential health risks to humans and aquatic ecosystems; review discusses nanoplastics’ role in food allergy

News Article

Chemical characterization of post-consumer and recycled plastics

Scientists perform target and non-target screening of recycled plastics and provide recommendations on methods; detect >280 organic chemicals and metals in 21 plastic flakes and pellets used in recycling; analyze several recycled polymers and find polyethylene terephthalate (PET) the only one currently complying with European circular economy requirements; compare analytical methods to assess the chemical composition of recyclates giving their strenghts and limitations

News Article

Several studies determine chemical migration from food packaging

Researchers from several European and Chinese institutions develop methods to explore chemicals in food contact materials (FCMs); report styrene migration from different polystyrene FCMs into several food matrices; detect photoinitiators in paper FCMs and chlorinated paraffins in green tea and its packaging; find irradiation treatment of metalized polypropylene to reduce migration of tested chemicals

News Article

Scientists detect microplastics in human veins, colon tissue, and urine

Small pilot study analyzes saphenous vein tissues from five individuals and detects 15 plastic particles/g tissue indicating transport of plastic particles within human tissue; review concludes more research needed to elucidate the potential carcinogenicity of micro- and nanoplastics; researchers find potential connection between colorectal cancer and microplastic exposure level; preliminary study report microplastic presence in four out of six urine samples 15 plastic particles/g of tissue

News Article

2021 FPF Workshop: Understanding supply chains and improving policies

On the second day of the Food Packaging Forum’s annual workshop, speakers discuss the investments necessary to understand complex food and packaging supply chains and the benefits of taking the time to do so; assessing plastic circularity through a more honest assessment of the post-consumer life of plastics; the ongoing work of European Commission’s food contact materials policy revision

News Article

Plastic recycling: Future scenarios and behavioral influences

Five articles discuss future recycling and/or consumer waste sorting; outline future recycling technologies and recycled plastic applications; identify gaps between recycling technologies and targets of multi-material multilayer plastic packaging; find consumers wrongly dispose bioplastics and that packaging design affects sorting behavior; show single-use bag bans able to increase recycling contamination