News Article

Consumer organization’s position paper, survey on FCMs

German consumer organization publishes position paper; identifies fragmentations, holes in current EU regulations on food contact materials (FCMs); critical of limited supply chain transparency, enforcement of chemicals in FCMs by authorities; calls for banning harmful substances, introducing strict positive lists; survey of 1,000 consumers finds most are not well informed about food packaging labelling, proper use

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Chemical migration from silicone baking materials

European Consumer Organization (BEUC) finds that chemicals of concern migrate from silicone baking molds sold in Europe, including three siloxanes classified as SVHCs; 23% of 44 products tested release chemical constituents in high (>30 mg/kg) or increasing amounts over time; BEUC calls for stricter EU rules for silicone food contact materials

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EEA briefing on biodegradable and compostable plastics

European Environment Agency (EEA) publishes report providing on overview of challenges and opportunities; includes introduction to relevant terminology, implications of use, and comparison of existing certifications; calls for clearer labeling and increased campaigns to inform consumers