News Article

ECHA’s CLH proposal on TBBPA open for consultation

Norway submits harmonized classification and labeling (CLH) proposal to European Chemical Agency (ECHA) for brominated flame retardant tetrabrombishpenol A (TBBPA); suggests adding classification of being possibly carcinogenic following rodent studies providing evidence; proposal still open for comments until January 29, 2021

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Blueprint offers vision for US recycling sector

Recycling Leadership Council releases recycling blueprint, identifies role of US federal government in modernizing and standardizing recycling system; suggests three areas for political action: clearer data collection and reporting, nationwide standards and definitions, targeted investments in the recycling sector

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FPF publishes food contact chemicals database

Researchers led by the Food Packaging Forum (FPF) publish new database identifying over 12,200 distinct chemicals that could be used in manufacture of food contact materials and articles; 29% lacking openly accessible toxicity data; 608 identified as most hazardous, prioritized for substitution; published study and database freely accessible

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NGOs call for REACH polymer registrations to address microplastics

European Environmental Bureau (EEB) and ChemSec submit comments to CARACAL subgroup on polymer registrations under REACH; recommend modifying proposed criteria for polymers requiring registration, suggest recognizing micro- and nanoplastic generation as inherent hazardous property of plastic polymers; call for mandatory pre-registration with submission of defined minimal dataset for all polymers

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Canada intends to approach PFAS as single class

Canadian government announces intention to consider per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) as single class; will continue to support PFAS related research, collect information on how to implement approach, review implementation of other jurisdictions; plans to publish overview report in 2023; approach open for stakeholder feedback about challenges and opportunities

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Analyzing NIAS in harmonized and non-harmonized FCMs

International Life Sciences Institute Europe publishes document on analytical methods and challenges in identifying non-intentionally added substances (NIAS); focus on non-harmonized food contact materials (FCMs) including silicones, inks, adhesives; discusses strengths and limitations of various methods; includes proposal on communication along the supply chain