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BPI guidelines for compostable FCMs

Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) publishes set of guidelines for labeling and identifying compostable food contact materials (FCMs); aims to reduce contamination of composting waste streams; focuses on improved labelling and communication of compostable products

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HEAL report on hazardous chemicals in plastics

Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) publishes overview report on plastic types, additives, and associated health impacts; illustrates life cycle of contained chemicals and resulting exposures; calls for revisions to regulations to be protective, consistent, anticipatory, communicative

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UN report addresses single-use plastics and LCA

Life Cycle Initiative led by UN Environment publishes synthesis report investigating impacts of single-use plastic products through life cycle assessment (LCA) approach; finds concept of ‘single-use’ more problematic than ‘plastic’; encourages countries to promote and incentivize replacing single-use products with reusable products; keep products at highest value in economy for as long as possible

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Washington State regulating chemicals of concern in food packaging

US state of Washington Department of Ecology publishes reports on phenolic compounds (e.g. bisphenols) and PFAS in certain food packaging types triggering countdown until new restrictions; phenolic compounds in drink can coatings to be restricted beginning June 2023; PFAS to be banned in bags and sleeves, bowls, flat serviceware, open-top containers, and closed containers by May 2024

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NGOs petition US FDA to ban PFAS in food packaging

NGOs in the United States including the Environmental Defense Fund, Center for Food Safety, Breast Cancer Prevention Partners, and the League of Conservation Voters, send petition to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) calling on the agency to ban all PFAS in food packaging; US Representative Dingell plans to introduce legislation banning PFAS to US House of Representatives