News Article

More research on oligomers needed, scientists say

Perspective article emphasizes that the “invisible” part of polymers, the oligomers, have been overlooked with the focus being on the “visible” part, the microplastics; urgency to increase knowledge on oligomer properties, environmental behavior, and toxicity given their ever-increasing diversity, quantity, and potential toxicity

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FCCmigex dashboard updated with more features

The Food Packaging Forum updates Database on Migrating and Extractable Food Contact Chemicals (FCCmigex) dashboard; free and interactive tool now includes filter for additional food contact materials like adhesives, coatings, and printing inks; full synchronization between data and reference pages

News Article

Plastic container fluorine treatments create PFAS

Scientists from Environmental Defense Fund and Green Science Policy Institute find fluorine gas treatment used on “millions of polyethylene and polypropylene containers each year” including those for food contact; treatment can produce PFAS that migrate from the material

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WWF: marine plastic pollution irreversible, strategies needed beyond recycling

World Wildlife Fund (WWF) publishes principles for chemical recycling to avoid harming human health or goals for circular economy; should not compete with mechanical recycling, need transparency about resource consumption; prioritize reduction, reuse over recycling; WWF and Alfred Wegener Institute report on plastics’ impacts on oceans; plastic contamination is permanent; at least 2144 species affected, 99.8% of seabird species will eat plastics by 2050