News Article

PFAS-Tox Database launched

Collaborative group of universities and NGOs publishes PFAS-Tox Database; publicly available resource provides systematic evidence map covering 742 toxicity studies on 29 per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS); features dozens of studies on ‘purportedly safer’ PFAS; findings show adverse health impacts studied for wide range of PFAS; experts call for class-based management of all PFAS

News Article

EC report on biodegradable plastics in open environment

European Commission’s (EC) Scientific Advice Mechanism publishes evidence report and scientific opinion, discusses potential benefits and limitations of biodegradable plastics; finds no silver bullet for inappropriate waste management or plastic littering, only for specific applications; appropriate formulation, coherent testing and certification standards needed to realize full potential

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Last Week Tonight features PFAS

In a 20-minute headline story, host John Oliver discusses the history and health risks of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS); includes non-stick cookware and fast-food packaging as sources of contamination

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Canada working towards zero plastic waste

Canadian government plans to establish federal plastics registry and release regulatory framework for plastic packaging; aim to improve knowledge of plastic waste, value recovery, and pollution; measures are open for comment until May 18, 2023; NGO urges government to expand ban on non-recyclable plastic packaging and take further action.

News Article

How to regulate polymers?

Chemical Watch commentary addresses the nature of polymerization reactions, provides technical background information explaining the challenges in the registration of polymers under REACH


Listado alfabético de términos empleados en los temas de salud relacionados con los envases alimentarios.