News Article

Proposed Philippine bill targets single-use plastic waste

Manila Times editorial raises concerns about waste management in the Philippines and calls for policy discussions; discusses the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act, the Philippine Action Plan for Sustainable Consumption and Production, and the Extended Producer Responsibility Act; single-use plastics bill HB 507 stalling in the Philippine House of Representatives

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PFAS actions in three US states

California expected to pass bill banning PFAS in food packaging; Michigan legislators reintroduce bill to ban PFAS, phthalates, and bisphenols in food packaging; Massachusetts’ Toxics Use Reduction Act program votes for expanding reporting requirements

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EFSA final scientific opinion on PFAS in food

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) publishes final version of its opinion on risk to human health from per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in food; sets group tolerable weekly intake limit of 4.4 ng/kg body weight for four most commonly measured PFAS in humans

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Study finds microplastics impact colon cancer cells, could increase metastasis

Study of colon cancer cell lines finds polystyrene micro and nanoplastic particles (MNPs) can be absorbed into cancerous cells in experimental settings; the more aggressive cell line absorbed the most MNPs and presence of MNPs increased cell movement; evidence of persistence and bioaccumulation; authors argue MNPs fit criteria as substance of concern under REACH

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Cyclic oligomer migration is higher from recycled than virgin PET, study finds

Scientists assessed polyethylene terephthalate (PET) trays with different amounts of recycled content and produced by two different extrusion processes; find cyclic oligomer migration increases with recycled content amount, differs between the two processes; nontargeted screening identifies intentional and non-intentional substances, including marker compounds for recycled PET