News Article

FPF Workshop 2020: FPF year in review

Martin Scheringer reviews the Food Packaging Forum’s work in 2020; discusses scientific consensus statement on food contact chemicals (FCCs) and health, ongoing projects aiming to understand contribution of FCC exposure to chronic diseases of public health concern

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Review investigates challenges of assessing NIAS in plastic FCMs

Literature review summarizes challenges regarding non-intentionally added substances (NIAS) in plastic food contact materials (FCMs); describes 52 studies with their applied methodologies for NIAS extraction and identification, plastic types analyzed, and NIAS detected; highlights NIAS assessment as a challenge for scientific community and industry due to lack of hazard data, a missing harmonized methodology, and outdated regulatory guidelines

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NRDC: Most chemically ‘recycled’ plastics in the US are ultimately burned

Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) evaluates eight chemical recycling facilities in the United States; reports that ‘recycled’ material produced by at least five facilities ultimately gets burned for heat or energy production; six facilities are potentially permitted to release hazardous air pollutants such as benzene, styrene, and arsenic; two US states ease restrictions on chemical recycling facilities

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Intentional and non-intentional microplastics targeted by EU ban

European Commission signals that it is preparing a wider set of actions to initiate impact assessment on non-intentional microplastics emissions; would include sources such as car tires, textiles, plastic pellets; stakeholders call for more research to address current data gaps in microplastic toxicity

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Maine phasing out PFAS in all products by 2030

US State of Maine passes LD 1503, the most comprehensive PFAS regulation in the United States; manufacturers must report the uses of PFAS in the state; by 2030 all uses of PFAS will be prohibited unless designated “currently unavoidable”; Maine already prohibits PFAS in food packaging

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How to integrate chemical aspects into the global plastic treaty

Scientists share perspective that all chemicals in plastics need considering in the global plastic treaty also to not hamper technological solutions; recommend key elements to tackle plastic pollution problem holistically including less complexity, as well as more transparency and incentives