News Article

Manufacturers share PFAS-free packaging recipe

Companies Zume and Solenis release recipe and manufacturing specifications to produce molded fiber packaging free of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS); alternative suitable for high temperatures, grease and water-resistant; decide to make the process freely available to speed the transition to safer packaging materials

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US EPA updates regulatory actions on chemicals

US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announces procedural changes to strengthen its review of new chemicals under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA); removes confidentiality status of 377 chemicals; releases PFAS Roadmap with timeline of policy actions and commitments

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EFSA CEP Panel updates from October 2022 to February 2023

Minutes available from recent meetings of the working groups on food contact materials (FCMs), bisphenol A (BPA), and recycling plastics, within the European Food Safety Authority’s (EFSA’s) Panel on Food Contact Materials, Enzymes and Processing Aids (CEP Panel); no further meeting of the BPA working group planned; specific migration limit (SML) for styrene in FCMs upcoming

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Greenpeace advocates reuse over plastic recycling

Greenpeace Switzerland publishes statement and report, criticizes increasing focus on plastic collection and recycling; argues this misleads consumers, hinders implementation of reuse and extended producer responsibility, recommends providing necessary infrastructure, adaptation of logistics, implementing reuse and return models

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PlasticsEurope report on plastic demand and waste

Industry association’s annual report provides data on Europe’s 2019 demand for plastic and end-of-life management; presents consumption by country, resin type; identifies packaging as greatest demand sector for plastics; finds average European plastics recycling collection rate of 42%

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Chemical monitoring database published

Multimedia Monitoring Database (MMDB) comprises data from 20 public monitoring data sources in harmonized machine-readable format; to support chemical exposure assessment and decision-making