News Article

EFSA updates HBCDDs risk assessment

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) publishes update on risk assessment of hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDDs); results support conclusion that dietary exposure in EU not a health concern except for breastfed children; panel will consider mixture approach once risk assessments of all groups of brominated flame retardants (BFRs) updated

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FPF submits feedback on packaging and packaging waste regulation

Food Packaging Forum (FPF) responds to European Commission’s call for feedback on the proposed packaging and packaging waste regulation (PPWR); FPF highlights aspects of food packaging and chemical safety that should be included in future versions; primarily (i) considering presence of hazardous chemicals in packaging materials meant to be recycled or reused, (ii) clearly defining compostable packaging and guaranteeing safety, and (iii) defining inertness

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Chemical industry calls for collaboration to meet EU objectives

European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic) publishes report investigating potential scope and impacts of new EU chemicals regulations; finds up to 12,000 substances may be affected by revisions, which are responsible for 28% of the industry’s turnover; adhesives and sealants sectors expected to be most affected

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New FPF dossier: Can coatings

2 FPF articles on can coatings published; Food Packaging & Health article summarizes key issues of can coatings; FPF dossier provides comprehensive scientific background information

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Many REACH registrations non-compliant

Study by German authorities finds 32% of high production volume chemicals non-compliant with REACH safety data requirements; 31% compliant, rest uncertain; European Environmental Bureau suggests actions for improvement