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Intentional and non-intentional microplastics targeted by EU ban

European Commission signals that it is preparing a wider set of actions to initiate impact assessment on non-intentional microplastics emissions; would include sources such as car tires, textiles, plastic pellets; stakeholders call for more research to address current data gaps in microplastic toxicity

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Maine phasing out PFAS in all products by 2030

US State of Maine passes LD 1503, the most comprehensive PFAS regulation in the United States; manufacturers must report the uses of PFAS in the state; by 2030 all uses of PFAS will be prohibited unless designated “currently unavoidable”; Maine already prohibits PFAS in food packaging

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How to integrate chemical aspects into the global plastic treaty

Scientists share perspective that all chemicals in plastics need considering in the global plastic treaty also to not hamper technological solutions; recommend key elements to tackle plastic pollution problem holistically including less complexity, as well as more transparency and incentives

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Melamine migration from bamboo tableware in China

Study explores the migration of melamine, a suspected carcinogen, and its derivatives from tableware made with melamine-formaldehyde resin or melamine combined with bamboo or wheat straw, purchased in China; 35% of bamboo tableware samples exceeded China’s specific migration limit for melamine; many melamine-based products are marketed to children

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Bisphenol A in bottles and children’s cups from less regulated markets

International Pollution Elimination Network (IPEN) finds 60% of sampled “BPA-free” plastic bottles and children’s cups from 8 countries contain bisphenol A (BPA); test 98 containers (23 “BPA-free”) from local markets in Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Russia, Sri Lanka, and Tanzania; Sri Lanka’s Environment Ministry says it will investigate

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SIN List more relevant than Candidate List

International Chemical Secretariat states that SIN List is ‘more relevant’ than REACH Candidate List for companies looking to identify chemicals to substitute; exposes ECHA’s insufficient focus on ‘non-registered’ substances, lack of progress on ‘already tackled’ substances

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Forecasting food packaging in 2040

UPM Specialty Papers and Smithers survey over 200 packaging professionals to make predictions on the food packaging market in 2040; respondents believe that by 2040 packaging sustainability will be dictated by government mandates and consumers will no longer accept tradeoffs between sustainability and convenience