News Article

Studies assess composition and safety of chemicals in recycled HDPE

Scientists analyze volatile compounds in recycled high-density polyethylene (HDPE); detect 53 chemicals in two post-consumer HDPE milk bottles including plastic additives and non-intentionally added substances (NIAS); risk assessment shows samples do not comply with plastic food packaging regulation; report re-granulation process in mechanical recycling to remove most but not all odor and volatile organic compounds

News Article

Monomers migrate from plastics, some are EDCs

In a comprehensive review, researchers from the University of South Africa discuss the monomer migration from plastic food packaging, focusing on known endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs); migration process, potential health impacts discussed

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Studies suggest food packaging as exposure source to organophosphate esters

Two groups of scientists analyze occurrence and migration of organophosphate esters (OPEs) from hundreds of Chinese plastic and paper food packaging; one study reports higher concentration of OPEs in plastics and migration of 15 out of 23 targeted OPEs; another study identifies presence of 42 and migration of 26 OPEs and identifies seven new compounds