News Article

Packaging sustainability during the pandemic

Consultancy McKinsey & Company publishes paper on consumers’ views towards sustainability in packaging, as influenced by COVID 19 pandemic; urges more focus on proactive communication with consumers and supply chain partners, holistic approach to sustainability and hygiene requirements

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Monomers migrate from plastics, some are EDCs

In a comprehensive review, researchers from the University of South Africa discuss the monomer migration from plastic food packaging, focusing on known endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs); migration process, potential health impacts discussed

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Scientists investigate chemicals in plant-based materials

Review summarizes chemicals present in and migrating from food contact articles made with wood, bamboo, and other plant-based materials; researchers identify and quantify 25 non-volatile compounds from bamboo, palm leaf, wood and wheat pulp dishes; tentatively identify 115 non-volatile chemicals in extracts from six plant fiber/plastic composites; detect phthalates in Brazilian dry foods in cellulose-based packaging

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ASEAN member actions on plastic and chemical pollution

Nations in Southeast Asia collectively working on reducing plastic pollution and related chemical hazards; Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) signs off on project to “combat” marine plastic; Thailand plans ban on plastic scrap imports; new research available on sources of plastic pollution in Indonesia and Vietnam; Vietnam and Singapore implementing stricter chemical regulations; extended producer responsibility for plastic waste becomes law in Philippines

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Survey: Shoppers prefer safe products

Safer Chemicals Healthy Families surveys consumers to understand their view on toxic chemicals in products; observes strong preference for ‘safe and healthy products free of dangerous chemicals’

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Studies assess PFAS, OPEs, and plasticizers in paper & board

Review summarizes per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) migration from paper food packaging into food and food simulants and identifies dietary exposure of PFAS as potential human health risk; study highlights need to further evaluate organophosphate esters (OPEs) and prohibited PFAS in paper and aluminum foil food packaging; scientists analyze and recommend extraction method to assess plasticizers in recycled paperboard