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EFSA updates guidance on nanomaterials in the food chain

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) releases guidance documents on the technical requirements to establish the presence of small particles in food products, and how to perform risk assessments of nanomaterials in the food chain; includes migration of particles from food contact materials; agency reports on outcomes from the public consultation period

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Gain weight because of endocrine disruption?

A study by scientists from the New York University’s School of Medicine published in September 2012 found elevated levels of a common food contact substance, bisphenol A (BPA), to be associated with a higher risk for being overweight in children and adolescents. The study used nationally representative data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) study collected in 6 to 19 year old US inhabitants. The study’s design does not permit conclusions regarding causation, however biological plausible explanations of how BPA may cause overweight or obesity do exist, making the study relevant and highlighting the need for further research.

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Bamboo in plastic FCMs not authorized in the EU

European Commission’s Working Group concludes that bamboo-based additives are not authorized per se for use in plastic food contact materials in the EU; business operators to explicitly demonstrate safety by migration testing; migration of melamine, formaldehyde of high concern; additional concerns about misleading labeling and advertising

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EFSA seeks comments on chemical mixtures research and prioritization

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) announces public consultation period concerning draft on “scientific criteria for grouping chemicals into assessment groups for human risk assessment” of chemical mixtures; particular focus on chemicals related to food and feed safety; seeking feedback from experts in chemical risk assessment, organizations and people in the field of chemicals mixtures and food safety; comment period ends July 10, 2021

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US EPA calls for comments on national recycling strategy

US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) publishes draft strategy focusing on reducing contamination, increasing processing efficiency, improving markets for recycled materials; aims to address set of key problems within current recycling system; open for public comment until December 4, 2020