News Article

Coffee cups made from husk

Australian start-up creates reusable coffee cups from husk waste accumulating during coffee processing; cups intended for café and home environments as alternative to ceramics and single-use disposable cups

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BPI guidelines for compostable FCMs

Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) publishes set of guidelines for labeling and identifying compostable food contact materials (FCMs); aims to reduce contamination of composting waste streams; focuses on improved labelling and communication of compostable products

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FPF comments on integration of essential use concept

Food Packaging Forum (FPF) provides comments following a European Commission stakeholder consultation workshop on the essential use concept (ESU); finds integration of an ESU in EU’s food contact materials (FCM) regulation increases FCM safety by allowing easier and more efficient management of harmful chemicals; recommends integrating ESU into EU FCM regulations during current revision process

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ECHA improves data access

ECHA structures publicly accessible data on chemicals according to lifecycle phases and availability of nanoform

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US NGOs: FDA must reassess safety of BPA

US scientists, public health and environmental organizations submit formal petition to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requesting it to restrict or remove current bisphenol A approvals for use in food packaging; cite new scientific evidence showing safe exposure level 5,000-times below FDA’s current limit