News Article

France to require EDC declaration in 2022

French government releases draft decree aiming to provide transparency on endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in consumer products; sellers will need to provide product information to public platform; French ministries of Health and the Environment will release list of proven, presumed and suspected EDCs; decree expected to take effect on January 1, 2022

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Science publishes special issue on “Our Plastics Dilemma”

American Association for the Advancement of Science publishes special journal issue on plastics; includes reviews, perspectives, and news on various components of the plastics value chain; particular focus on waste management technologies that may contribute to a circular plastics economy, effects of plastic pollution on animals and the environment, support for a UN agreement on plastics

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Behavior and labeling interventions to reduce plastic pollution

Three studies research plastic labeling shortcomings, effectiveness of behavioral interventions; article recommends plastic labels should include sustainability scale, provide regional disposal instructions, and list additives; review considers bigger picture, stakeholder diversity, and several techniques to increase effectiveness of behavioral interventions to reduce single-use plastic consumption; study finds social media does not affect consumer’s intentions to recycle plastics

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Pre-consumer and recycled plastic pellets contain hazardous substances

International Pollution Elimination Network and partners publish two studies investigating toxic substances in plastic pellets; virgin plastic pellets recovered from beaches on six continents all contain polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and endocrine-disrupting UV stabilizers; over half of the samples of recycled high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pellets contain at least 11 out of 18 flame retardants and UV stabilizers assessed

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Taiwan bans PVC in food packaging

Taiwan’s Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) announces food packaging made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) will no longer be allowed by July 2023 and it is strengthening its scheme to reduce use of single-use plastic cups

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Many questions surround microplastics, what about micro(bio)plastics?

Literature review of micro- and nano(bio)plastics research; scrutinizes the complexities of micro- and nano(bio)plastics degradation and their toxicological effects; highlights gaps in long-term impact studies and interactions with environmental conditions; challenges the assumption that «biodegradable» means complete degradation; calls for greater transparency in research practices to bolster collective understanding