News Article

Chronic PS nanoplastics exposure found to impact mitochondrial health, impairing cell metabolism

New study examines long-term effects of polystyrene (PS) nanoplastics on mitochondrial health under realistic exposure conditions; repeated exposure to PS nanoplastics impaired mitochondrial function and cell differentiation process, possibly linked to metabolic disorders, such as diabetes and obesity; other recent studies found that PS micro- and nanoplastics negatively affect immune function, pregnancy outcomes, and gut health in various models

News Article

Many questions surround microplastics, what about micro(bio)plastics?

Literature review of micro- and nano(bio)plastics research; scrutinizes the complexities of micro- and nano(bio)plastics degradation and their toxicological effects; highlights gaps in long-term impact studies and interactions with environmental conditions; challenges the assumption that «biodegradable» means complete degradation; calls for greater transparency in research practices to bolster collective understanding

News Article

New York Governor proposes stricter limits on chemicals in packaging

New York Governor Kathy Hochul proposes limiting PFAS, heavy metals, and phthalates in all packaging to 100 ppm by weight by 2024; also urges extended producer responsibility (EPR) for packaging; at least six other states considering packaging EPR legislation; state-owned or contracted foodservice facilities in California must now use food packaging that is reusable, recyclable, or compostable

News Article

Germany notifies WTO of MOAH restrictions

German authorities notify World Trade Organization (WTO) about intention to restrict mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH) in food contact materials and articles made from recycled paper and board; sets migration limits into food (<0.5 mg/kg) and food simulant (<0.15 mg/kg); will come into effect three years after publication