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India’s draft food packaging rules

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India notifies WTO of draft food packaging regulations containing 17 standards for food contact materials; comments accepted for 60 days

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Unwanted chemicals in canned tuna

Danish consumer council finds BADGE in metal packaging of tuna as well as plasticizers in the metal closure of a tuna glass jar; none of the tested packaging products contained BPA, BPF, or BPS; all tuna fish contained heavy metals, some contained BADGE and one ATBC

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Mexico to update lead limits in pottery

Current migration limit of 0.5 mg/L in glazed pottery criticized as not protective for workers; government announces new standard will be released in 2020, no further details provided

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Microplastics measured in human blood and mouse brains

First human biomonitoring study encounters plastic particles of four different polymer types in human blood; in vivo study reports polystyrene nanoparticles pass blood-brain barrier and induce neurotoxicity in mice; review summarizes plastic particle and titanium dioxide impacts on human gut epithelial integrity, gut homeostasis, and intestinal inflammation

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Safety of DEHCH

EFSA assesses safety of bis(2-ethylhexyl)cyclohexane-1,4-dicarboxylate (DEHCH) for use as plasticizer in PVC; concluded to present no safety concerns; uncertainty remains about bioaccumulation potential in humans